Create Customer Order Invoice


This activity is used to create normal invoices. The invoices are created from the delivered customer orders entered in the system. If a customer order requires delivery confirmation, the order must have been delivery-confirmed. When the invoices are created, you can process and dispatch them to the customer. Note that normal invoices for lines delivered via shipment are also created here.

In order to create a customer invoice, the order must have been either delivered or partially delivered, i.e., the customer order must be in status Partial Delivered or Delivered. If you create an invoice for a customer order in which all the order lines are not delivered, only the delivered order lines are invoiced. Upon delivery of more order lines, you can progressively invoice until the entire order is invoiced. You can also partially invoice customer order lines for a package structure if partial delivery has been made. The charges for the invoice can be invoiced before the order is delivered or partially delivered, if they are not connected to a specific line in the invoice.

If the invoice includes rental lines the requirement for creating the invoice is that rental events should have been created. The rental invoice line is based on the rental transactions and not on the delivery of goods so the status of the customer order rental line must be in status Reserved, Picked, Partially Delivered or Delivered. If rental transactions have not yet been generated for the rental line this can be done as part of the invoice process. Rental invoice lines can be handled together with sales lines on the same invoice. Delivery confirmation is not handled for rental line and is not required in order to create an invoice.


System Effects

The customer invoice is created. During the operation the following occurs: