Analyze False Observations


In this activity the user can analyze the false observations and filter them into a list using the search function. No further action in the form can be taken, but the content can e.g. be exported (if configured) for further data mining or analysis in other tools or software in order to see trends - maybe false observations are coming from a specific device, or only during times of bad weather (would need additional data to be combined with the false observation data).

To analyze false observation:
    1. Open the Analyze False Observations page.
    2. Populate the page or
        Search for records based on certain criteria.
    3. View the result and see if you can find trends or patterns in the data.
    4. (Optional) Select record and Click on View Details to look at the details of an observation.
    5. (Optional) Export the data for further analysis in other tools.


Incoming observations that has been marked as false.

System Effects

The user has filtered the false observations into a list with the chosen search options.