Cancel Non-applicable Work


This activity is used to make changes to a work scope for instances where work has become non-applicable or difficult to carry out. The reason for this can be, for example, that the work has become not applicable to perform for a serial because the serial is disconnected from the vehicle on which the maintenance order is to be performed or due to the lack of resources.

Work orders can be canceled in the work order execution logic structure or you can cancel the corresponding event on the maintenance order. If the maintenance order is distributed with the Execution Logic Structure distribution type, you cannot cancel the work order directly, instead you need to cancel the relevant event on the maintenance order. This is because an event can be spread on several work orders and there is not just one corresponding work order to cancel.

Note : This activity can be performed in Execute Work Order, Prepare Work Order or Manage Maintenance Order pages. When cancelling a work order from the Manage Maintenance Order page, If the event is in either the Released or Started status, the Cancellation dialog will open. If the event is in a status other than Released, Started, Work Done or Finished, the event will be canceled directly and you can view the record in the Pending Events or Convenience Tasks in Assign Events assistant.


To perform this activity, a maintenance order which has been released must exist.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the work order and the corresponding maintenance event will be canceled from the work scope and removed from the work order execution logic structure and the maintenance order.