Manage Structure Change Log


The structure change log is used for tracking removed and installed parts, both non-serialized and serialized, when executing a work scope. Mainly tracking of removed and installed parts are generated transactions, and in this activity, we can verify and edit these logged transactions. In addition to the generated transactions, you can manually enter removal and installation transactions for a component.

When working on a work order and a component needs to be removed from the serial structure to be repaired, we can enter the removal as a return line on the work task. If indicated on the return line that a removal transaction should be added to the structure change log, a removal transaction will be generated and shown in this log. On the return line, there is an option to Record Part Off which can be used to log a component being removed from a structure without being returned. Since a removal can be performed before the actual return is done, this option is used to create a removal transaction in the structure change log independent of the return. So, the removal transactions will be generated from the return lines for the work tasks and displayed in this log.

The installation transactions for these removed components, can be created from this activity by using the following two options:

  1. Record Part On

    The Record Part On option, shows all removed transactions (created from the Return and Record Part Off options) for the maintenance order the work task being worked on is included and where the removed transactions have not yet been installed. The transactions must have been returned to inventory to be shown here. When this option is run for a removed transaction, a correspond install transaction will be created in the log.
  2. Record Issued Part On

    The record Issued part On option, gives a list of all issued parts on a work task. When selecting an issued part, an install record will be created for this part in the log.

These two install options can only be performed from the work task, and not from the maintenance order.

In addition to entering installed components through the Record Part On and Record Issued Part On options, an install record can be created by entering the data manually. In the same way, remove transactions can also be created.

A status on the transactions in the structure change log, indicates if the structure change transaction is valid at the time it is created in the log:

The status can manually be changed on a transaction from Valid to Invalid and an Invalid transaction can then again be removed.

An Invalid transaction can manually be changed to become Valid.

A Duplicate transaction cannot be set manually but will be set by the application. The user must then change the status to Valid on the duplicate transaction that is the correct transaction and the rest will remain as duplicate transactions.

From the structure change log, the actual structure change for an installed or removed transaction can be done. When selecting the Perform Structure Change option, the assistant for performing the structure change will be displayed for the selected record. The data on the record selected, will be defaulted in the assistant but may require the user to enter some additional information.


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