Create Linear Asset Types


This activity is used to create linear asset types. A linear asset type is used to classify linear assets to show what kind of linear asset it is, e.g., road, powerline, etc. An item class can be connected to a linear asset type. If the linear asset do not have an item class connected, the item class connected to the linear asset type of the linear asset is retrieved to a work order once that linear asset is connected to the work order. This can be performed in Linear Asset Types page.

To a linear asset type you can connect characteristics. This is done by connecting a technical class, which has characteristics connected to it, to the linear asset type. When applying the linear asset type to a linear asset ID, the technical class with its characteristics will automatically be applied to the linear asset ID's Attachments pane. Values for the characteristics can then be defined on the linear asset ID. Technical classes and Attributes are defined in Characteristics Basic Data.

By connecting a linear asset type to a position type you can define Positions for that linear asset type. A Position is used when defining Isolations and creating Isolation Orders to indicate if e.g., the linear asset (the whole or part of it) should be 'On' or 'Off' during establishment or reestablishment, or if it should be in a Reduced speed mode, etc.



System Effects

A linear asset type will be available to choose from in the List of Values in Linear Asset/General page.