Define Life Limits


This activity is used to enter life limits for an LLP (life limited part) based on stress ratings.

Life limits may be defined for all the template structures that the LLP can be used in and for all stress ratings defined for these template. Life limits are entered in operational parameter values. In addition, life limits can be entered in calendar months (from the manufactured date) and as the maximum number of repairs allowed on the LLP. If PMCs (post maintenance checks) are to be carried out after the LLP replacement event is finished, connect the required PMC definition to the stress rating.

A number of days forewarning may be specified, and is used to determine when a maintenance event is to be generated for the LLP replacement. E.g., If 30 days is entered, the replacement event will be generated 30 days before the LLP serial drops dead.

To simplify entering life limits, click Get Stress Ratings. All possible combinations of stress ratings and operational parameters are retrieved. Then you only need to enter the maximum number of repairs and life limit values. If stress ratings have been defined on many levels of the template structure(s) where the LLP can be used, only the stress ratings that are defined on the lowest level, closest to the LLP, are made available for life limit definition. E.g., An aircraft consist of an engine which consists of an LLP. If stress ratings are defined on both the aircraft and engine templates, only the stress rating for the engine will be retrieved.

Click Change Max No of Repairs and Life Limit in the Stress Ratings list to change the maximum number of repairs and/or the calendar life limit for a given stress rating and operational parameter registered on the serial part.

Click Change Life Limit per Part in the Life Limits tab to change the life limit value for a given stress rating and operational parameter that is registered on the serial part.

For more information on the life limit concept, refer the online help file Life Limits Concept in IFS Fleet and Asset Management.


To perform this activity, the LLP must be used in a template structure, either as a component or an alternate, where stress ratings have been defined at some level.

System Effects