Report Counting of Inventory Part


This activity is used to enter the results of your physical counting of inventory parts without using a count report.


System Effects

Note: You cannot carry out counting in the project inventory for a closed project activity, as it is not possible to increase the counting quantity for such a location. Instead, a positive counting difference should be added to a standard inventory location, or to another project inventory location where the activity has not already been closed.

If the part is a serial part and tracked in inventory you can only enter quantity 1, and must enter a serial number in the Serial No field. If the part is serial tracked at receipt and issue but not serial tracked in inventory, and there is a difference reported a dialog appears. If the counting difference is positive, then enter the new serial number(s). If the counting difference is negative, then select the missing serial number(s) using the list of values. Click OK when completed.

If the counted part has not been received into stock prior to counting, you will have to define the cost structure for the part manually. If this is the case, the Define Cost Structure dialog will open upon saving.