Print Count Report


This activity is used when you want to print a count report. You can decide to print the detailed, aggregated, detailed and aggregated or none of the reports. The default value for Print Report is set on the Site/Warehouse Management page. The default value will be fetched automatically to the Create Count Report dialog and also to New Database Task Schedule page if you want to schedule a task to create a count report. Selected report/reports will be sent to the Report Archive page. The default value can be changed manually. Regardless of which print option you choose both the detailed and the aggregated reports will be visible on the Count per Count Report page. If you choose to print none of the reports and want to print a report later or if you want to reprint a report you can print by click Print Detailed Report or Print Aggregated on Handling Unit/Location Report on Count Reports and Count per Count Reports page. 


System Effects

Selected report/reports will be sent to the Report Archive page. The Detailed Report Printed and Aggregated on Handling Unit/Location Report Printed options will be enabled on Count Reports and Count per Count Report pages when the reports has been sent to the Report Archive.