Schedule Storage Optimization


This activity is used to schedule or to directly perform a storage optimization job that will trigger a move of any part to a location that better fits the location criteria for the part. You can specify the selection criteria to limit the scope of the locations from where parts can be moved. The parts can be moved to any location at the selected site. A transport task will be created to perform the actual move of the part.

For locations found, the sorting order is putaway zone ranking, expiration date, receipt date, warehouse, bay, row, tier, bin, part number, lot number and serial number. The sorting will be done twice; first for parts that have not expired and then for expired parts. The same sorting order will be used for the two iterations. 

You can either perform a storage optimization job directly or schedule the task as a background job.


The inventory part must have a putaway zone ranking in order to be moved.

System Effects

If possible, transport tasks are created for inventory parts that can be moved to a better inventory location according to the putaway zone ranking. Any constraints, for example, weight or volume are taken in to consideration.