Create Remote Warehouse Assortment


This activity is used to create a Remote Warehouse Assortment, to prioritize it, to define a list of parts including refill parameters, to set which sites its valid for and to connect it to one or several remote warehouses.

If two assortments contain the same part number which have the same priority, the system will select a part according in the following order:

  1. If the value in the Priority field is the same, select the one with highest Refill Point Qty field value. 
  2. If values in the Priority and Refill Point Qty fields are the same, select the one with highest Refill to Qty field value. 
  3. If values in the Priority, Refill Point Qty and Refill to Qty fields are the same, select the one that was last updated.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, you have created your assortment and connected it to a remote warehouse.