Assign Employee/Team to Operation


This activity is used to assign employees and/or teams to one or more shop order operations. Assignment of employees/teams can be done for both setup and/or run. Employees/teams assignment to an operation is only a suggestion for those who will perform the work and it is not mandatory. This means that the employees/teams other than the assignees can perform the given operation.

If you wish to do so, you can assign both employees and teams to an operation.

To perform this activity from:

It is possible to filter out the employees who has the required qualifications to perform the operation using the Assigned To Setup and Assigned To Run options available by clicking Find in the List of Values. Qualifications will be matched with the employee qualification profile defined for the setup and the runtime work which can be assigned to that particular employee. This information is useful when it is a fixed requirement that an employee with a matching qualification should perform the setup and/or runtime work. For example, for the process of welding a pressure vessel, the welding task should be performed by a person who has an accurate license to get it approved. Therefore it is needed that the employee's qualifications must match the qualification profile defined for the operation work related to the process of welding.

Since the operational parameters may need to be updated with the availability of employees at the time of the assignment, it is possible to update values in the Labor Setup Time, Machine Setup Time, Setup Crew Size, Labor Factor, Machine Run Factor and Crew Size fields.

All assignments made can be viewed in Shop Order Operation Assignments page.


To perform this activity, the respective site should neither use constraint based scheduling server nor APB, since CBS and APB handles operation assignment in a different way.

System Effects

The employee(s) and/or team is assigned to the operation(s). This information can be used to filter the Shop Floor Workbench page to only show operations assigned to the current employee/team.