Comprehensive Shop Order Split
This activity is used to define how the material and work should be
allocated between the original shop order and the new shop order, in order
to divide the actual costs when a shop order is split. When the shop order
is split, the serial numbers, lot/batch numbers, material and operation
quantity and time that will be allocated to the new shop order can be
To perform a comprehensive split of a shop order, click Merges and
Splits and then Comprehensive Shop Order Split.
In the first assistant step, shop order header options are specified:
- Select the reason for the split in the Split Reason field.
- Select the appropriate split type. Possible options are Discrete
Split and Percentage Split. Serial tracked parts can only be
split using the discrete split.
- If tracked structures have been built for serial or lot tracked parts,
they will be listed in the In Tracked Structure section. Select the
tracked parts by enabling the Include in Split option. The selected
tracked parts will be included in the new shop order.
Note: If
you selected Discrete Split, you must enter the quantity of the new
shop order in the New Lot Size field. The value in the Original New
Lot Size field will be updated automatically.
If you selected
Percentage Split, you must enter the percentage of the new shop order
in the New Percentage field. The value in the Original Percentage
field will be automatically updated.
If serial parts are used, the values
will be automatically entered for the new lot size or percentage fields
depending on the split type you selected.
- In the Remaining Pre-assigned Serials and Remaining
Pre-assigned Lot/Batches section, the reserved serial and lot
numbers that do not have tracked structures yet will be listed. Enable the
Include in Split option to move the reserved serial and lot numbers
to the new shop order.
In the second assistant step, material options are specified:
- The Materials list shows the information about the component
shop order materials.
- In the Issued list, enter the value in the Qty Split field for the issued material, which you want to issue to
the new shop order instead.
- In the Reserved list, enter
the value in the Qty Split field for the reserved material, which
you want to reserve for the new shop order instead.
- To automatically enter the split values, click Apply Excess to Split.
In the third assistant step, operation options are specified:
- The Operations list shows the information about the shop order
- In the Split Qty Complete field, enter how much should be reported
as complete in the new split shop order, for the operation. This value will
be used to report operations.
- Enter the percentage to be used to report
time in the Split % Time field. This value is used to split both
machine and labor time reports.
- In the Split Qty Shipped WIP field,
enter how much should be reported as shipped WIP in the new split shop order,
for the operation. This value will be used to report shipped WIP.
- To automatically enter the split values, click Apply Excess to Split.
The Shop Order Split Structure page can be
used to view the split shop orders in a graphical way, navigate to each
split shop order and handled the shop orders.
- A shop order with a quantity available to receive must exist.
- The split reason must have been defined on the Split Reason
Codes page.
- A shop order should not have automatic pegging against a customer order.
- If a material order line is manually pegged against a purchase order
line or a shop order, the pegging has to be removed first.
- If the parent part is manually pegged against a customer order line
or a shop order, the pegging has to be removed first.
- If the shop order includes a complete received outside operation, it
is only possible to split from the following operation.
- The shop order must not contain split operations.
- If the shop order includes operations reported with quantity
deviations, it is not allowed with the Adjust for Op Deviation
- Shop order must have status Planned, Released,
Reserved or Started.
- The number of serial numbers reserved to a disassembly component may
not exceeed the remaining quantity on the original shop order after the
split. In such scenario you must first unreserve the required number of
serial numbers from the disassembly component.
- The remaining lot size of a by-product or disassembly component may
not exceed the quantity already received and scrapped on the original
shop order after the split.
System Effects
- A shop order will be created by the system. The original part number,
material and operations are used by default, but you can modify the shop
order after the split.
- The reserved serial numbers and lot/batch numbers will be distributed
as specified. Reserved as-built structures will belong to the shop
order with the reserved lot/batch numbers.
- If a lot/batch number and/or serial numbers have been reserved
to a by-product or disassembly component, these will remain on the
original shop order.
- For component material to be included in the new shop order created
by the split process, inventory transactions will be created to un-issue material
from the original shop order and to issue the material to the new shop order.
- For work to be included in the new shop order created by the split process,
operation and labor transactions will be created to remove work from the original shop order
and to report the work on the new shop order.
- If operation time reported through shop floor workbench clockings is
split, the particular clocking records will be deleted.
- Analysis will be created according to the triggers on the control plan.
If acceptance sampling is used you should cancel the analysis on the original
order and create a new one to get the correct sampling plan. We do not recommend
splitting the shop order after the analysis has been confirmed, since you
will have to perform an analysis again for the new shop order and the same
product will be evaluated twice.