Create Repair Shop Order Manually


Use this activity to manually create a new repair shop order for a specified part. A repair shop order means the same part is issued to the order as received back to inventory once the repair is completed.

To create a new shop order for parts with date structure effectivity, create a new record and enter below values:

To create a new shop order for parts with serial structure effectivity:


To create material allocations, and to allow receipt of the order, a valid repair structure revision alternate must exist for the repaired part.

To create operations, a valid repair routing revision alternate must exist for the repaired part.

System Effects

As a result of this activity the system creates a new shop order with Order Type set to Repair for the selected part. When this happens, the system creates material requirements and schedules operations. The repaired part is always automatically added as a material line. It retrieves operations and structures according to the part, structure revision and alternative, and routing revision and alternative that you selected.