Create Shop Order Pick List


This activity is used to create pick lists to pick reserved material from shop order(s). This list contains the material to be used in manufacturing the shop order and is used as a basis for picking reserved material from inventory. A pick list does imply a physical reservation of parts and it points out the locations at which the parts have to be picked. You can choose only to create the pick list, or to create it and print both at this step.

There are several ways of how to create pick list(s) for shop order(s):

Pick list can be created using the methods and pages described below:

In the dialog:

When consolidating pick lists for several shop orders, the reservations are collected from the selected shop orders and then distributed to several pick lists, depending on the type of consolidation. For instance, you can collect all reserved lines that are not yet on a pick list for the whole site and then create one pick list per warehouse. The selection can be narrowed down in several ways.


To perform this activity, a shop order material line with a reserved quantity not already included on a pick list must exist.

System Effects