Print and Deploy Kanban Cards


To print kanban cards and track their deployment to the shop floor, select the cards and click Print. If you also want to deploy the cards at the same time, click Deploy and Print. The system indicates whether or not a card has been printed. It also indicates the number of times it has printed each card. The status of each card shows whether or not it is in circulation, which helps you manage the deployment of the card. It is also possible to upload the relevant part image to be printed on the card on the Card Details tab.


This activity requires the existence of at least one card that is not already in circulation.

System Effects

As a result of this activity kanban cards are printed for the kanban circuit. The system updates the Kanban Print Flag field to Printed, if it does not already have this value. It also increases the value in the Number Times Printed field.

If you chose Deploy and Print, the card status will change to In Circulation.