Release Shop Order


This activity is used to release a planned shop order. Once the order is released, you can begin processing it. If the shop order is created from a shop order requisition, where the shop order requisition type is Material Requirements Planning (MRP), a check should be performed. If alternate components are used, then you should modify shop order components to avoid shortage problems. 

To release shop order(s) from Shop Order, Shop Orders, Disposition Shop Order, Shop Orders Materials Availability pages and Production Line Management/Shop Orders tab, click Status and then Release.

To release shop order(s) from Material Availability Summary, Machine Load, Labor Load, Machine Operations Scheduling and Labor Operations Scheduling charts, select the segment(s) representing the order(s) to release and click Release.

When releasing a shop order, you can perform an availability check on that order by enabling the Automatic Availability Check option. This tells the system to perform an availability check on the selected shop order. (Note that the availability check will occur only if you have met the conditions outlined in the Prerequisites section below.) If you do not want to perform the availability check, disable this option.


System Effects

As a result of this activity: