Ship WIP to Supplier


Use this activity to register Work in Progress (WIP) items for an outside operation has been shipped to the supplier.

Note: You can break the outside operation into several shipments to the supplier. You cannot ship more items than are required for the operation or are reported in the operation prior to the outside operation.

The remaining work in progress (WIP) qty to ship = The minimum value between the completed quantity in the previous operation, and the operation quantity of the current outside operation
The remaining work in progress (WIP) qty to ship in 1st splited operation = Completed quantity of previous operation - Shipped quantity of the 1st splited Operation - (Maximum value of operation quantity or shipped quantity of 2nd splited operation + Maximum value of operation quantity or shipped quantity of 3rd splited operation + ...)

It is also possible to print an outside operations delivery note using this activity.

To ship WIP from:

In the dialog:


This activity requires that a quantity of parts be reported on the operation prior to the outside operation. To print the delivery note this activity requires a purchase order to be created for the operation.

System Effects