Update Earliest Start Date According to Material Availability


This activity is used to update the earliest start date (ESD) of a shop order according to the material availability. The calculation uses the same shortage definition as used in visual planning pages when deciding what should be the new ESD. Orders will be qualified in the visualizer as Shortage if the orders which has insufficient lead time for some of the required materials are going to be ordered. When categorizing some shop orders as having material shortages, it could mean that there is no sufficient supplies to be used as component supply for the shop order due to the fact that they are already reserved or will be used for some other demand orders. During this calculation, requisitions will not be considered as supplies.

When there are many material lines, the calculation will decide the worse case out of all the material lines and set ESD for the shop order accordingly. The worst case (if no firm supplies exist) will be the lead time for the component.

To perform this activity from the Shop Order, Shop Orders or Production Line Management page, click Material Planning and then Update ESD According to Material Availability.

To perform this activity from the Material Availability Summary or Material Lines Availability chart, select a chart segment and click Update ESD According to Material Availability.


System Effects

As a result of this activity: