Allocate Supply Share


This activity is used to enter user defined ratios or user defined quantity forecasts for level 1 parts by Customer Dimension (Customer, Customer Stat Group, Market, Region, District or Country) to support order promising function.

It is possible to view and enter this data from a period perspective in Supply Allocation per Period or by the customer dimension perspective in Supply Allocation by Customer Dimension.

Schedule Level 1 need to be recalculated.

The pages will show data from current Level 1 part period and forward. It will not show any historical information. Overview and history, based on Level 1 part, is found in Forecasts and Allocations per Period.


The part should be registered as a MS level 1 part and at least one MS Set need to be defined for the part.

Dimension Details need to be defined in Forecast by Customer Dimension.

System Effects

When the Allocation Method is User Defined Ratio or User Defined Qty Limit these values will be used when the MS calculation is performed.