Evaluate MS Result using Detailed Graph


Use this page to generate a graph that shows Master Scheduling data for a selected Level 0 or Level 1 part belonging to a specified site. The types of data shown are forecast, supply, demand, projected balance and projected time phased safety stock. You can also generate overlay graphs that show cumulative unconsumed supply or cumulative unconsumed forecasts.

The selections that you make in this page determine which data will be shown on the graph

The time span of the data shown on the graph is based on the begin period number and the end period number of the period template. In the Master Schedule Graph Parameters dialog, which appears from the command Calculate Graph, the default period begin date is the last run date of the Level 0 or Level 1 part selected in the Part No list. The default period end date is the planning time fence date of the Level 0 or Level 1 part selected in the Part No list. The period numbers associated with these dates are also displayed. You can change these period numbers if desired. In order to plot the graph, however, the begin date of the period template must be equal to the last run date of the Level 0 or Level 1 part selected in the Part No list. If this is not the case before you plot the graph, you can correct the template's begin and end dates from the command Recalculate Period Template.

Note: Periods on the period template depends on the work time calendar based on which the period template was generated. Therefore, to view all data, a period template based on a calendar which has seven days for its schedule has to be used. This approach can be specifically used to view forecasts on non-working days. The default period values, when you type a new period number in the Begin Period No field, the Range Begin Date field displays the first date for that period. Likewise, when you type a new period number in the End Period No field, the Range End Date displays the concluding date for that period number. The default value for the beginning period number is based on the site date of the site specified in the Detailed MS Graph window. The default value for the ending period number is based on the planning time fence date for the part number selected in that page. If the site date or the planning time fence date falls before the first period number, the period number 1 is used. If the site date or the planning time fence date falls outside the maximum period number, the maximum period number is used. 


This activity requires that a Level 0 or Level 1 part exists. A period template also must exist. 

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system generates a graph of Master Scheduling data for a user-specified Level 0 or Level 1 part. The graph includes forecast, supply, demand, and projected balance data and projected time phased safety stock. The system also generates overlay graphs showing cumulative unconsumed supply or cumulative unconsumed forecasts. The graph appears at the bottom of the Master Schedule - By Period page.