Copy from Shop Order Operation


This is used to copy shop order operation details of a specified shop order to an existing or new alternate on a pre-existing routing revision. All connected object, Document Text, Tools and Work Guidelines, are automatically copied.

Select the source routing, then select Copy Routing Revision and fill in details for destination. If necessary update the alternate number in the Routing Rev/Alt field in the Destination Alternate group box. Current routing alternate will be suggested but if it is a requirement to create a new alternate then it can be updated.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system copies operation details from a specific shop order to an alternate on a pre-existing routing revision. Document Text, Tools and Work Guidelines connected to the shop order operation(s), are automatically copied to the routing. No serial pointers are copied, these must be manually defined by the user. The new alternate will be set to the default state, as defined in the Site/Manufacturing page.