Define Cost Distribution for Structure Alternate
This activity is used to define the cost distribution factors used to distribute
costs of components, operations and general OH between the main product, by-products
and disassembly components produced in the same process.
To define the cost distribution for a product or configuration structure:
- Open the Produced Parts tab and enter the
required value for each by-product and disassembly component line in the
Gen OH Cost Distribution Factor and Opereration
Cost Distribution Factor fields.
- Open the Component Cost Distribution tab and
enter the required value for each combination of produced part and component
part in the Cost Distribution Factor field.
To define the cost distribution for a recipe structure:
- Open the By-Products tab and enter the required
value for each by-product line in the Gen OH Cost Distribution Factor
and Operation Cost Distribution Factor fields.
- Open the By-Products Cost Distribution tab
and enter the required value for each combination of by-product and component
part in the Cost Distribution Factor field.
Note: If cost distributions factors should be a part of
cost calculations, Use Cost Distribution must be enabled
for the structure alternate.
- A structure alternate with by-products and/or disassembly
components must exist.
System Effects
As a result of this activity, cost distribution factors are defined for the
produced parts on a structure alternate.