Highlight Options
The Highlight options are used to highlight work orders, PM action occurrences
or resources based on the selected options. There are five highlight options:
- Highlight This
- Highlight These
- Highlight Critical work
- Highlight Obstructive work
- Highlight affected Maintenance Work
- Maintenance Planning Board should should be opened.
System Effects
- Highlight This: Selected Object will be highlighted.
- Highlight These: Selected Object and underlying objects will be highlighted.
- Highlight Critical work: Work order and work tasks and/or PM Action
which are defined as critical work gets highlighted
- Highlight Obstructive work: Work task and/or PM work list that are scheduling
obstructive will be highlighted.
- Highlight affected Maintenance Work: Scheduling obstructive work tasks/work
lists are highlighted if the Work Task/PM is scheduled later than the planned
finish date of the operational plan item and the earliest start date of
the work task/PM action occurrence is earlier than planned finish date of
the operational plan item. This means that the orders that gets highlighted
have the possibility to be scheduled during the operational plan item if
it becomes a Maintenance window in Manual Plan/Operational
plan page.