Define Layer Mapping


This activity is the first of two steps to enable geodata to be shown in the GIS Map. This is done by first entering a service (URL) and then by defining the relationship between geographical layers in geodatabase (Layer ID) and business object's logical unit (LU name) in IFS Cloud. This enables two things:

This activity should be performed by a system administrator or equivalent person. The second step is to add layers and users in GIS Layer Group page.

Add Editable Layers in GIS Map page:

In the GIS Layer Mapping page, create a new record entering the Map Service URL, Layer ID, Layer Display Name, LU Name and selecting the Layer Type as Editable.

Optionally, enter a SQL Condition. This condition filter values shown in Link Object dialog. The value in the condition field must follow the format: column_name, value and operator. For example, a logical unit LinastLinearAsset with database view LINAST_LINEAR_ASSET_UIV:

Optionally, select a Sort Order. This controls the order in which layers are shown in layer navigator and in which order layers are loaded in GIS Map.

Add Read Only Layers in GIS Map page:

In the GIS Layer Mapping page, create a new record entering the Map Service URL, Layer ID, Layer Display Name and selecting the Layer Type as Read Only.

Add Basemaps - in GIS Map page:

In the GIS Layer Mapping page, create a new record entering the Map Service URL, Layer Display Name and selecting the Layer Type as Basemap.

Enter a Definition Expression - Filter GIS objects in GIS Map page by using a definition expression:

In the GIS Layer Mapping page, Definition Expression field, enter a layer's attribute name and a valid SQL search criteria:

Add layer to your user in GIS Layer Group page. Open GIS Map and toggle on the layer in Layer Navigator. GIS objects will be shown according to the above definition expression.

The following is valid for a definition expression:

= Equal
<> Not equal. Note: This operator may also be written as !=
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal
<=  Less than or equal
BETWEEN Between an inclusive range
LIKE Search for a pattern
IN To specify multiple possible values for a column

Enter Label Options - Show a text on GIS objects by using label options.

In the GIS Layer Mapping page, Label Options field for an Editable layer, enter values for text, color, size, font and visible scale ranges in a list, by using the following attributes: labelText, fontColor, fontSize, fontFamily, minScale and maxScale. A complete list could look as follows:

"labelText": "Historical Work Order",
"fontColor": "#FF0000",
"fontSize": 14,
"fontFamily": "Arial",
"minScale": "165000000",
"maxScale": "5000"

The above list will show the text Historical Work Order on GIS objects in red color with font size 14 and font type Arial.

The following is valid for a label option:

Minimum scale (minScale) - Label will not be drawn if you zoom out beyond the defined scale value. For example, enter a high value like 165000000 and the label will not be shown when zooming out beyond the scale 1:165000000.

Maximum scale (maxScale) - Label will not be drawn if you zoom in beyond the defined scale. For example, enter a high value like 5000 and the label will not be shown when zooming in beyond the scale 1:5000.

Black: #000000
Red: #FF0000
Lime: #00FF00
Blue: #0000FF

The above values are just examples. Available hexadecimal values for colors can easily be found on the Internet.

ROUTE ( type: esriFieldTypeString , alias: ROUTE , editable: true , nullable: true , length: 15 )
STREET ( type: esriFieldTypeString , alias: NAME , editable: true , nullable: true , length: 40 )

"labelText": "Route: {ROUTE} Name: {STREET}",
"fontColor": "#FF0000",
"fontSize": 14,
"fontFamily": "Arial",
"minScale": "165000000",
"maxScale": "5000"

Use Proxy - Set the layer to always use the proxy.

It is possible to allow automatic access to secured map services, without showing ArcGIS logon dialog, by entering the ArcGIS user credentials in the proxy. A token will be automatically generated by the REST service and be valid for 60 minutes. This requires the setting Use Proxy to be enabled on the layer in GIS Layer Mapping page. The following should be valid for the selected layer:

 In all other situations the setting Use Proxy can be disabled.


A map or a feature services should have been created and made available on ArcGIS servers:

The following are described in ArcGIS online documentation and must have been completed before entering an URL in layer mapping:

Logical units (LU) should have been defined with value GisintConnections as a service name in Solution Manager/User Interface/Object Connections. This enables LU to be shown and selected from List of Values in GIS Object Configuration page.

User should be have been assigned with DEFINE_SQL system privilege in order to enable values to be entered in Condition field.

System Effects

The following three different types of geodata will be made available in GIS Map page:

  1. GIS objects using editable layers and where business object connections can be made.
  2. GIS objects using read only layers.
  3. Background map (basemap), like maps and building layouts.

More information about editable layers, read only layers and basemaps are found in GIS Concepts.

The following is also valid for the below layer mapping: