Enter Bulk Measurements


This activity is used to upload bulk measurements to equipment objects. Use this activity to upload bulk measurements relating to multiple parameters of multiple testpoints in multiple equipment objects at the same time. Activity can be performed from the Upload Measurements assistant. Assistant will guide through the process of uploading bulk measurements.

First step is for downloading the template used for uploading measurements.

Second step is to select and upload the .csv file containing the measurements.

3rd step of the assistant will validate and show the status of each measurement captured from the .csv file.

Final step the assistant will show the number of records successfully uploaded and list down the records with errors.

Succussfully uploaded measurements can be viewed in Measurements page.

Note: If there are are Preliminary readings in the uploaded file, measurement records following that reading will be marked as Error and will not be recorded to the object. This is done so that the object measurements in the system is not filled with preliminary readings



System Effects