Enter Live Measurements


Use this activity to enter live measurements from the observations received through the IFS IOT Controller.  This can be done by setting up an observation flow with following operation model enabled and published.

APM_5 Operation model - If the live measurements that receive from the device are aligned with testpoints and parameter data for a given equipment object, those measurements will be registered as New Readings in the object measurements through APM-5 operation model

Observation flow needs to be set up with the same observation code from the real time measurement observations. Necessary observation fields needs to be entered in the observation flow with respect to the measurement observations. APM_5 operation model needs to be configured accordingly with the observation fields and additional data such as execute as and measurement notes. 

Note – After observation flow set up measurement recording is done through a background job once measurement observations are received. This can be monitored in the Observations page when the measurement observations receiving.


System Effects