Modify Event Date Period Status


Use this activity to modify status for an event date period. An event can have several date periods defined, each period with a certain status.
There are five statuses available:

Status Description
Preliminary The status given when the event date period is saved first time.
Planned The status from when the date period line will become available as a planned line in the Maintenance Plan for the PM Actions where it has been connected. Notice that in this status there can be more than one date period line displayed in the Maintenance Plan, but they will still not yet be part of any generation.
Active The status from when the date period line will become part of an event generation. If using PSO for scheduling this is the status when this is started. There can only be one event date period line in status Active within same site.
Completed The status a date period line will be set to after it has been fully generated. Notice that it is a manual step to change the status from Active to Completed.
Cancelled The status a date period line can be set to if it is decided not to be carried out. Notice that it is a manual step to change the status from Active to Cancelled. After a date period has been set to status Cancelled, the period will no longer be available in any Maintenance Plans.

A date period line is allowed to be modified for all statuses up to Completed or Cancelled. A date period line is allowed to be deleted up to status Active, but after that it need to be cancelled if it will not be carried out.


System Effects

As a result of this activity the date period line will get a new status.