Analyze Historical Data


This activity is used to view historical records, analyze them statistically and make references and/or decisions for a particular vehicle or serial part. Here, you can analyze the entries in order to assist you for the registration of new records or as an improvement for existing data.

Historical data will be recorded when the related prerequisites are fulfilled. To view historical information for a serial, open the History per Serial page and click on the relevant tab or you can open the dedicated history pages directly as well.

The purpose of collecting historic data is to be able to document the maintenance that has been performed on a serial part, and use this in order to improve the live data in IFS Cloud. For example, the Task Cards for Serial Order History page (accessed from the Serial Order History page) contains the actual performed task cards, with reported time and consumed material for all performed maintenance. This data can be used in order to improve the contents of task card in the task library. This may result in removing resources and material that are no longer used, adding new task cards, resources or material or adjusting the content of the task card. Some examples of how this data can be analyzed:

Another way of using the historical data might be to analyze faults that have been repaired on a serial and by means of this be able to know how to repair similar faults.

If there is a need to change the operational parameter values for a completed maintenance event/work order, this can be done from the Serial Order History/Operational Parameter tab (this tab is also available from the detail pages per event, e.g., Interval Maintenance History). The value given will be the last historical values closest to the date the event was performed. To change values, click Change Operational Values for the relevant record. Enter the new values you want in the Value After Overhaul and Value Total fields. Note: The new values entered here are required to be greater than or equal to the previous log value for the serials and smaller than or equal to the next log value of the serial.

It is also possible to remove obsolete history entries for operational planning history by clicking Remove History from the Operational Planning History List page.

For a description of each history element in IFS/Fleet and Asset Management, refer to the online help file Historical Data.


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