Study Structure Mismatch Log Entries


This activity is used to examine the generated serial structure mismatches that exist between a physical structure and the structure registered in the system.

If a serial structure is changed on a work order or on a shop order, and the performed change is not valid compared to the serial structure registered in the system, a structure mismatch log entry is created by default. By examining the mismatch log entries you can decide if the serial structure which is registered in the system needs to be corrected or whether it's the structure change registered on the work order/shop order which is incorrect. To help you make this decision, it is highly recommended that you examine the replacement history as well as the registered serial structure. Once you have completed examining the mismatch log entries, you can choose to cancel the structure mismatch entry or correct the serial structure registered in the system and resolve the structure mismatch entry. 

For more information on structure mismatch logs, refer to Structure Mismatch Log.


Generated serial structure mismatch log entries must exist.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, it will be possible to determine if the serial structure registered in the system is to be corrected or if the serial structure registered on the work order/shop order is incorrect. Accordingly, the structure mismatch log entry can be resolved or canceled. For more information, refer the activities Resolve Structure Mismatch Log Entry and Cancel Structure Mismatch Log Entry.