Net All (DOP Header)


This activity is used to manually initiate the automatic netting processes for the entire DOP structure. The alternative is to automatically initiate this netting process upon release of the DOP header. This requires certain basic data settings for the DOP netting method. For more information refer to the activity: Set DOP Netting Method.

To initiate the automatic netting processes for the entire DOP structure manually click Status, then click Net All.

You can perform re-netting when either the quantity or the structure is changed after the release; you can re-net after canceling netting relations.

Netting is performed in the following sequence:

For DOP orders where the DOP header is connected to a project, the Create Pegged and Std Planned Item settings impact whether netting is allowed from the project inventory or the standard inventory.

For DOP orders which are netted from project inventory, netting is performed in the following sequence:


This activity requires that:

System Effects

As a result of this activity: