Reinitiate Demands
This activity is used to reinitiate demands for a maintenance order to ensure
that any changes to resources and/or material on a task card or subtask are
handled. Any changes in the task library to resources and material on the task
cards or subtasks that are included on the selected event will be retrieved
at this time. For material demands, you have the option of retaining existing
reservations and peggings. Following will take place when resource and material
demands are reinitiated:
- Demands that have been added to the task card or subtask on the event
will be added to the maintenance order.
- Demands that have been removed from the task card or subtask on the
event will be removed from the maintenance order.
- Demand lines on the maintenance order will be updated with any changes
that have been made to the resource or material demand in the task library.
To reinitiate demands for a maintenance order, select the Re-initiate
Demands option from the Manage Maintenance Event
page. If you want to keep all existing reservations and peggings for the material
on the event., enable the Keep Material Reservations and Peggings option
from the Re-initiate
Demands dialog.
- A maintenance order must exist in the Under Preparation status.
- Events must be connected to the maintenance order, and at least one
task card must be connected to the event. The event should not have
the Manual Event event type.
System Effects
- All new and updated resource and material demands associated with the
task card will be retrieved. Ownership of the material will be set based
on predefined rules, i.e., based on the part provisioning rules of the
contract connected to the maintenance order or defaulted as company
owned stock. If reservations and peggings are retained as part of this
activity, the ownership of these lines will not be changed. For more
information on setting ownership on material demands, refer the activity
View Material Demands.
- If demands have been released on the maintenance order, resource activities
will be generated, updated or removed based on the resource demand changes.
Material demands will be released, updated or deleted based on the changes
to material demands.
- If the maintenance order has the Execution Logic Structure distribution
type and grouping is done on resources, task cards and subtasks for which
resources were added, changed or removed will be added/copied to the relevant
ELO nodes in the execution logic structure for the maintenance order.