Define as Fixed Asset Rotable Pool Rotable Part Pool Rotable Part Pool Analysis Add Serials to Rotable Pool Rotable Part Pool Rotable Part Pool Analysis About Rotable Part Pool Rotable Part Pool Rotable Part Pool Analysis Part Availability Controls Create Count Report Connect Serial to FA Object Rotable Part Pool Rotable Part Pool Analysis Create FA Objects Rotable Part Pool Rotable Part Pool Analysis Swap FA Object Rotable Part Pool Rotable Part Pool Analysis Change Target Quantity Rotable Part Pool Rotable Part Pool Analysis Refresh Pre-Postings Rotable Part Pool Select Site Rotable Part Pool Rotable Part Pool Analysis Remove Serial from Pool Rotable Part Pool Rotable Part Pool Analysis Define Rotable Pool Rotable Part Pool Rotable Part Pool Analysis Deplete FA Pool Rotable Part Pool Rotable Part Pool Analysis Remove Serial from FA Pool Rotable Part Pool Rotable Part Pool Analysis Replenish FA Pool Rotable Part Pool Rotable Part Pool Analysis Rotable Part Pool Analysis