Add General Information for Procurement Request


The employee self-service procurement portal is a tool for employees to easily find products available for self-service procurement and create procurement requests with pre-defined information.

Use this activity to specify or change the general information in the shopping cart before the cart is submitted to a purchase or inventory request. To submit a purchase requisition, a requisitioner must be specified and to submit an inventory request you must specify an internal customer. In addition to that you can specify an internal destination to where the products should be delivered and who or what the products are ordered for. Notes can be added in to the shopping cart lines, from which additional information can be passed to the person who will be handling the requisition.

Note that defaults for the general information can be connected to the users in the Self-service Procurement Defaults page and will then be fed into the shopping carts for the user.


System Effects

As a result of this activity the general information for the request will be added and later on transferred to the purchase or material requisition when the cart is submitted.