Define Self-service Catalog Updates Settings


An employee self-service catalog is used to define the products and services that should be available for the employee to procure from the self-service procurement portal.

Use this activity to define the settings that is used to automatically add products (parts) for a specific supplier to the catalog using the update self-service catalog job.

You can choose between the options to:

To remove or change the settings for a supplier, you first need to delete all product lines that has been previously generated for the supplier.


System Effects

As a result of this activity products will be added to the catalog according to the set up done for respective supplier when running the update catalog job.

Note that supplier for purchase part connections must have been entered and supplier agreements must have the Include in Self-service Catalog option enabled for products to be considered by the update job. Only agreements directly connected to the supplier will be considered. Parts in agreements from higher levels in a supplier hierarchy will not be considered in the update of the self-service catalog.