Define User Defaults for Self-service Procurement
Use this activity to define default values per user and company used in the
self-service procurement solution to help the users enter the necessary information
to be used on the created requisitions.
- A company and the relevant user must have been created.
- To enter a default value in any of the columns the relevant basic
data like requisitioner, internal customer and internal destination,
must have been created.
- To enter default values for any of the code parts, the code part
values must have been created. You can set up default values for the
code parts even though no pre-posting have been defined for the company,
but the values will only be used if the pre-posting for purchase or
material requisitions is enabled.
System Effects
- The entered default values per user will be automatically added to
the self-service procurement shopping cart when the user adds products
to the cart. The values in the shopping cart can then be changed before
the cart is submitted to a purchase or material requisition.
- For the cart to inherit the values for the code parts (i.e. cost
center), pre-posting must have been enabled for purchase and or material