Enter Rental Part Line, Requisition


A purchase requisition is comprised of a requisition header and one or more requisition lines. Once the header has the Planned status, you can create purchase requisition rental lines.

When you enter a purchase requisition for a new supplier without a supplier record, it is possible to perform a quick registration of the new supplier using an existing supplier as a template. When you do so, supplier information that is not company-specific is automatically copied from the template supplier to the new supplier, while additional information is entered in the Quick Supplier Registration dialog.

Price and tax calculations are controlled by the Use Price Incl Tax option. The default value of the Use Price Incl Tax option is retrieved from the supplier for purchase part record. If the part does not have a supplier for purchase part record, the default value is retrieved from the site specified in the header. The value can be changed before saving, if necessary.

You can specify the plan rental information at the time you create rental requisition lines.

You cannot manually add any rental requisition line to a requisition that is automatically generated by a demand. All requisition lines must have the same demand code.
The purchase part can have multiple suppliers, which means that multi-supplier ordering is activated.


System Effects