Print Purchase Order
Use Print Order for printing a purchase order. The document
can then be sent to the supplier by mail or fax.
- The purchase order must have been released and cannot be Cancelled.
- The Print Purchase Order option must be enabled in the on
Supplier page/Purchase sub
menu/Purchase tab.
- If amounts inclusive of tax are to be printed on the
report, the Print Tax Info option must have been enabled on
Supplier page/Purchase sub
menu/Purchase tab.
System Effects
- A printout of the purchase order is processed and the Communicated
option on the purchase order header is enabled. The purchase order printout can then be
sent for confirmation to the supplier.
- If any supplier
contacts and/or internal destination on the purchase order, these will
be printed on the report.
- If you have technical coordinators for any of the order
lines, these will be printed on the corresponding line for each purchase part and no-number part. In addition, a summary of the technical coordinators, including their default phone numbers and e-mail addresses, will be printed on the
purchase order report. The phone numbers and e-mail addresses will be retrieved from the person records in IFS/Enterprise.
- If the Consolidated option is enabled, summary lines
will be printed at the end of the report, indicating the accumulated quantity
ordered per part is used in the calculation of the consolidated price.
- If manufacturers and manufacturer part numbers are defined in the
Supplier for Purchase Part page, these will be printed
per part. If the Print option is enabled for manufacturer part numbers in the Supplier for Purchase Part
page, these will be
printed in addition to the manufacturer and manufacturer part number in
the purchase order line. If you have multiple manufacturers and
manufacturer part numbers printed, the first row represents the
manufacturer and manufacturer part number present in the purchase order
line, and then the other manufacturers and manufacturer part numbers with
the Print option enabled in the Supplier for Purchase Part
will be printed. The preferred manufacturer and preferred manufacturer part
numbers will be print in bold letters.
- If procurement clauses phrases are connected to purchase order lines,
phrase textxs corresponding to those phrases will be printed in the purchase
order report.