Convert Quotation into Purchase Order
This activity is used to convert one or more order quotations into a purchase
order(s). You can convert several order quotations of a single request,
simultaneously, using the
Order Quotation
Approvals page. When converting quotations, you can include them to an
existing purchase order, create a new purchase order or let the system add the
quotation to the first available purchase order. If several quotations for different
suppliers are converted simultaneously, several purchase orders will be created.
The quotation line(s) must be in the Approved status.
System Effects
- The quotation line(s) get converted, and receives the Converted
- If a new purchase order is created, it receives the Planned status.
A message displays the assigned purchase order number and line. Any defined
ship-via codes, delivery terms, payment terms and price including tax settings
will be valid for the purchase order. Supplier's part number and description
will be transferred.
- The applicable tax code(s) or tax structure will be retrieved from
the quotation line.
- The demand code on the purchase order line will also be copied from
the purchase requisition line. If the purchase order is created from an
order quotation that originates from a project-connected purchase requisition,
the relevant purchase order line will inherit the project connection.
- If request for quotation originated from a purchase requisition, and
if procurement clause phrases were generated for that purchase
requisition line, connections will be regenerated for the purchase order
line created.
- If request for quotation originated from a purchase requisition, and
if procurement clauses phrases of that purchase requisition line were
manually created or edited, same connections are made for the purchase
order line created.