Print Request for Supplier Agreement Quotation


When the request for quotation header is entered and the desired purchase parts, supplier assortments, and suppliers are connected in the corresponding tabs, the next step is to print out the requests for supplier agreement quotation and send them to the suppliers in question.

The Delivery Address field in the header controls the printed reply address that the supplier should use.

You also can send the request for supplier agreement quotation to a supplier.


System Effects

The requests for quotation that will be sent to the desired suppliers are printed. The letter will be directed to the person who is entered as supplier contact.

If you have technical coordinators for any of the request lines, these will be printed on the corresponding line for each purchase part and supplier assortment. In addition, a summary of the technical coordinators, including their default phone numbers and e-mail addresses, will be printed on the request for supplier agreement quotation report. The phone numbers and e-mail addresses will be retrieved from the person records in IFS/Enterprise.