Receive Purchase Price Catalog


Use this activity if you receive price list information via EDI/MHS. The message is a price catalog message, known as a PRICAT message, that contains information regarding part number, price, discount, and additional costs from the supplier. The information could also be in the form of a price list.

A price catalog message can have the following statuses:

It is possible to use the event server if you want to receive a message (such as an e-mail or an text message to your cellular phone) when any of the following has happened to the price catalog message:

  1. Arrived - A price catalog message has been transferred from the Inbox in IFS/Connectivity to Incoming Purchase Price Catalog.
  2. Rejected - The price catalog message has been rejected in the Inbox in IFS/Connectivity.
  3. Approved - A price catalog message has been approved in IFS/Purchasing.
  4. Stopped - Something went wrong during the approval process in IFS/Purchasing.

You can use Automatic or Manual approval of the incoming price catalogs. This is set in Supplier/Purchase/Message Defaults.

When a price catalog enters the system, you can view it in Incoming Purchase Price Catalogs. In this page, you can populate or query for the messages of interest to you. If the price catalog needs manual approval or changes, the status will be Partially created, Requires Approval or Stopped. Check the information entered in Error Message field and change/add the information neccessary. Approve the message by choosing Approve from the Operations menu, the price catalog should now have status Created if no other issues were encountered. It is also possible to cancel the message by using Cancel in the Operations menu. In this case, the information will not update anything.

For example: A message meant to update the information in a price list does not have any reference to a supplier agreement, i.e., the Supplier Agreement No field and Supplier Agreement Ref field is empty. Check the message in the Status column. Continue with the procedure for failed approvals if the status is not Created or possibly Partially Created.


System Effects

The price list information in Supplier for Purchase Part is updated with information approved in Incoming Purchase Price Catalog for all sites that are connected to the company to which the message was sent.

If the price catalog status is Original, new lines are added in the Supplier for Purchase Part/Price List tab.

If the price catalog status is Change, new lines are added in the Supplier for Purchase Part/Price List tab. Old lines with the same catalog number as specified in the Price Catalog Ref field in Incoming Purchase Price Catalog are closed. The value in the Price Catalog Ref field is retrieved to the EDI/MHS Catalog Ref field in the Supplier for Purchase Part/Price List tab.

If the price catalog status is Replacement, new lines are added in the Supplier for Purchase Part/Price List tab. Old lines with the same catalog number as specified in the Price Catalog Ref field in Incoming Purchase Price Catalog are closed. The value in the Price Catalog Ref field is retrieved to the EDI/MHS Catalog Ref field in the Supplier for Purchase Part/Price List tab.

If the Use Price Incl Tax option is enabled in the Incoming Purchase Price Catalog page, Price and Additional Cost fields are not displayed (hidden) in the Price Catalog Lines section. Price Incl Tax and Additional Cost Incl Tax fields are editable. The Supplier for Purchase Part/Price List tab is updated from these values.

If the Use Price Incl Tax option is disabled in the Incoming Purchase Price Catalog page Price and Additional Cost fields are not displayed (hidden) in the Price Catalog Lines section. Price Incl Tax and Additional Cost Incl Tax fields are editable. The Supplier for Purchase Part/Price List tab is updated from these values.