Specify Receive Case and any Inspection Information


Use this activity to enter a default receive case, any default inspection code and any internal inspection time for a particular combination of a supplier and a purchase part.

When establishing the supplier for purchase part connection, you also can specify a default receive case and any default inspection code. However, the Receive into Arrival receive case is used if you do not specify a receive case. This receive case and any inspection code is then indicated by default when the purchase order is entered. However, you can change receive case, inspection code and any quantity to inspect directly on the purchase order line. The receive case and quantity to inspect can be modified in connection with the arrival registration.

There are six different receive cases from which to choose: 'Receive into Inventory,' 'Receive into Arrival, Perform Putaway', 'Receive into Arrival', 'Receive into Arrival, Inspect at Arrival, 'Receive into Arrival, Inspect at QA' and 'Receive into QA, Inspect at QA'. The receive case can be viewed as a guideline in the working process. However, since the receipt function aims to be flexible, many actions can be performed even if the current receive case does not include them.

When a receive case requiring inspection is used, you must also specify an inspection code. The inspection codes are defined in Warehouse Management/Basic Data/Part Inspection Codes page. The inspection type of the of the inspection code can either be a fixed quantity or a percentage. However, the fixed quantity and the percentage can be changed manually for this specific supplier for the purchase part relationship by changing the corresponding field.

In the Supplier for Purchase Part/Inspection Info tab select the receive case you want for your part in Receive Case list.
If a receive case that requires inspection is used, you also must specify an inspection code. Enter the short code for the desired inspection code. Depending on whether the inspection code is using a fixed quantity or a percentage amount to inspect, either the Inspection % or the Inspection Quantity field displays a value. You can manually modify this value. You also have the option to enter an internal inspection time, assuming that an inspection code is specified.

You can also specify the settings so that the combination of supplier, purchase part and site require a Control Plan and an analysis. However, if they have already been specified at the part or site level in the Quality Control Basic Data page, they cannot be changed here.
The Control Plan can be set up in Quality Management/Quality Control/Control Plan/Purchasing Control Plan/Control Plan - Purchasing. It can also be entered from the command Control Plan in the header of Supplier for Purchase Part page.


System Effects

The specified receive case and any inspection code is indicated by default when the purchase order is entered. The receive case functions as a guide for the working process. Any quantity to inspect is either calculated by a percentage or a fixed quantity.

The basic data settings for making a control plan mandatory, and creating an analysis mandatory in purchasing, for the combination of supplier, purchase part, and site can be changed. The Mandatory Control Plan and Mandatory Analysis options will be selected accordingly. If the settings have been changed, they will be visible on the Quality Control Basic Data/Quality options for Sites page and in the Quality Control Basic Data/Quality options for parts page.