Update Self-service Catalog Information


An employee self-service catalog is used to define the products and services that should be available for the employee to procure from the self-service procurement portal.

When creating a catalog you can automatically add products from a supplier through an update catalog job based on the update settings for the supplier. Use this activity to start or schedule the the update job. When starting or scheduling the job you can choose to start it either for a full catalog revision (all suppliers) or for a specific supplier. To keep the catalog up to date, you can choose to either just add new products for the supplier based on the setting, refresh the information for the existing lines in the catalog or do a full update, which means both adding new lines and refresh the information on the existing lines.

Note that some information, as descriptions and prices, are stored in the self-service catalog for performance reasons and therefore needs to be kept up to date through this job.


You must have a self-service catalog revision in status Planned or Published with update settings defined for at least one supplier in the Update Settings tab.

System Effects

If you have selected the Add option for the job:

If you have selected the Update Existing option for the job:

If you have selected the Full Update option for the job, both new lines will be added and existing lines updated when the job is run.