Upload Supplier Catalog Lines from File


A hosted supplier catalog is used to enable employees to purchase products and services from a suppliers assortment without having to create all part number and pricing information in the system. The supplier catalog is normally received on a file and uploaded by the someone in the procurement department.

Use this activity to upload product lines to the hosted supplier catalog using a csv file (comma-separated values file). To upload the lines from the file, it needs to follow the format defined for the file and separated using the attribute defined for the file type HostSupCatProdLineFileType in the External File Type page.

There is also a setting to decide how the system should treat the use case if a line in the file contains a Supplier Part No that already exists in the catalog. Either the existing line is kept as is and the line from the file ignored, or the information on the existing line will be replaced by the information in the file.

 The below table shows an example of the columns that should be included in the file. All columns needs to be represented in the csv file and separated even if they are empty. For the ones marked with an asterisk, values are mandatory for the file to be uploaded.

Supplier Part No* Supplier Part Description UoM* Price* Supplier Product Category Lead Time Image Url Manufacturer Part No Manufacturer Name
PART10 Part 10 pcs 150 10010001 5 Image url PRODUCT1 Manufacturer


System Effects

As a result of this activity lines will be uploaded to the catalog from the file and you will be able to approve the hosted supplier catalog. Duplicate lines will be ignored or override the existing line according to the setting. When the supplier catalog is approved and included in a self-service catalog, the entered products will be available for self-service procurement.