Connect/Disconnect Contract Change Orders


Use this activity to connect contract change order forecasts to a budget/forecast version. Contract change order forecasts can be connected in the Project Forecast page using the Manage Forecast Connections. Use the Connect switch to connect/disconnect selected contract change order forecasts in the Contract Change Orders section. Connect All/ Disconnect All action commands can be used to connect/ disconnect all the Contract Change Orders listed in the Manage Forecast Connections assistant.

Also, it is possible to connect/ disconnect contract change order forecasts to an EAC Workbench. Contract change order forecasts can be connected in the EAC Workbench page using the Manage Change Order Connections.

Manually connected Contract Change Order Forecasts which are indicated as Manual Integrations Exist on Manage Forecast Connection assistant will not be considered for EAC calculation on EAC Workbench.

If a change has been done in the contract change order forecast after it has been connected to a project budget/forecast or an EAC Workbench, you are able to update the project budget/forecast or the EAC Workbench with this new changed amount using the Update command in Project Forecast Connections.


System Effects