Copy EAC to Forecast


This activity is used to transfer the calculated EAC value in EAC Workbench to the connected Project Forecast.

After finalizing the calculations on EAC Workbench, the resulting EAC value can be transferred to the connected Project Forecast using the Copy EAC to Forecast action command. When this action is performed, EAC value of each Forecast Line in Project Forecast will be updated with the respective EAC value from the EAC Workbench.

Once the EAC value has been transferred to the Project Forecast, the status of the EAC Workbench will be changed to EAC Transferred and EAC Workbench will be non-editable. Users can still see the details of the calculation in EAC workbench as they not cleared while being copied.

If the connected Project Forecast is in Preliminary status, it is possible to Start Progress again and continue working on EAC Workbench to perform further modifications. In such cases, users are expected to perform Copy EAC to Forecast again in order to copy the new values to the project forecast page.


System Effects