Create Budget/Forecast Types


This activity is used to create budget/forecast types which can be used to group project budgets and forecasts. The purpose of budget/forecast types is to distinguish between budgets and forecasts created for different reasons. 

Each budget/forecast type will be assigned a unique budget/forecast version series which will impose that every budget/forecast version created for a particular budget/forecast type inherits a version prefix and version start number as defined on the budget/forecast type.

Budget/forecast types are also used to regulate which budgets can be set as the active budget and which forecast type is set as periodic review. For any project, only one forecast of any forecast type with the Periodic Review parameter is enabled, can be created for a particular accounting period.

For each budget/forecast type, it is also possible to define the initial state of EAC Workbench. If the Set EAC Workbench In Progress parameter is enabled for a particular budget/forecast type, status of the EAC Workbench will be automatically set to In Progress when the Project Forecast is created using that budget/forecast type.

It is also possible to define on the budget/forecast types if it should be allowed to copy cost and revenue period spread amounts from a project forecast to a project cash forecast. The option to copy cost/revenue spread is then enabled in the new project cash forecast assistant when the copy from project forecast option is selected.




System Effects

Creates budget/forecast types which will be made available through a List of Values for connection to new budgets and forecasts for grouping purposes.