Delete Subproject Structure
The action command Delete Subproject Structure deletes
a selected subproject, including its structure and connected activities. A subproject
without structure can also be deleted through the Delete button.
If any activity in the subproject is not allowed to be deleted due to, for
example, progress reported on a task, then the subproject deletion is prevented
through an error message.
Also see related information found in Delete
- If the action command Delete Subproject Structure
is selected, any activities in the subproject must not have any baseline
dates set.
- If the Delete button is selected, the subproject
must not have a structure (activities).
- Any employee allocation
registered to the subproject must be removed first.
System Effects
- If the action command Delete Subproject Structure
is selected, the subproject and its structure are deleted. All references
to the subproject, including its structure and connected activities, are
- If the Delete button is selected, the subproject
is deleted.
- When deleting a subproject with the last remaining activity that is
used as basis for the Date From and Date To values for an
employee allocation registered on the project or (another) subproject level,
then the deletion is prevented since the activity cannot be deleted.