Insert Activities


After the project structure is created, activities related to the subprojects should be registered. See About Activities for more information on activities. All cost and hours are accumulated on the activities, and cannot be assigned directly to a subproject.

Objects, for example tasks, work orders, document packages, and purchase orders can be connected to activities. These objects report progress, cost and hours to the activity based on the progress method and planned cost driver of the activity. It facilitates changing the default progress method and the planned cost driver for activities when it is required. In addition, resources can be allocated to activities. The committed and actual cost/hours of an activity can also be updated.

The number of workdays that is required to complete an activity in days can also be entered. However, the system utilizes the pre-defined hours per work day value to convert the days entered into minutes, when performing a scheduling calculation or manually entering Early Start, Early Finish and/or Total Work Days. The early start, early finish, and total work days values are connected. If two values are given, the third one will be calculated based on these two, together with the working periods in the project’s calendar and the Hours per Work Day value. If the activity has both Actual Start and Actual Finish dates, the total work days cannot be manually updated. It is possible to define predecessor/successor dependemcies between activities, which will be used when scheduling the project. Dependencies can be created within the project, but can also include activity dependencies from other projects. The dependencies can be created on the project activities directly, or in the Project Gantt.

Activity class can be used as a method of categorizing the activities of the project. An activity class can be assigned to more than one activity.
Example: The project has 50 activities that you wish to categorize according to the department that would be handling them. You can define an activity class called Departments, and then enter the names of the departments (Finance, Procurement, Sales etc.) as the values.


System Effects