Start Progress


This activity is used to change the status of EAC Workbench to In Progress. EAC Workbench needs to be in In Progress status in order to perform the forecasting calculations, and if it has not been set automatically, it should be changed to In Progress manually using the Start Progress action command.

EAC Workbench status can be changed manually to In Progress when the EAC Workbench is in Created status initially. Similarly, EAC Workbench status can be changed to In Progress when the EAC Workbench is in EAC Transferred status too, in case the users need to do additional modifications to the calculations. However, Start Progress command will be available only when the connected Project Forecast is in Preliminary status.

When the EAC Workbench is In Progress, the connected Project Forecast will be non-editable.

EAC Workbench can be set to In Progress automatically when they are created, by enabling the Set EAC Workbench In Progress setting in the Forecast Type page


System Effects