Update Schedule of Work


After the Schedule of Work header is created, item lines and the respective detail lines should be registered.

When a Schedule of Work is created by coping from an existing Schedule of Work, item lines and the detail lines need to be adjusted as appropriate.

When Quantity Breakdown Structure is connected your Schedule of Work, Quantity Breakdown Structure command in Schedule of Work header will be enabled. Once it is selected you will be navigated to the page with Quantity Breakdown Structure Navigator.

When Schedule of Work is not connected to a Quantity Breakdown Structure, New QBS command in Schedule of Work header can be used to connect a new or existing Quantity Breakdown Structure to your Schedule of Work.

When Schedule of Work header is already connected to a Quantity Breakdown Structure, you will be allowed to update it via Update QBS command in Schedule of Work header. This command will be allowed you to connect your Schedule of Work to a new or existing Quantity Breakdown Structure.

When Schedule of Work header is connected to Quantity Breakdown Structure, you will be allowed to connect QBS Node to Schedule of Work Item lines. This can be achieved in three ways, via Connect/Update QBS Node command in Schedule of Work Item or creating new SOW Item line while selecting appropriate QBS node from the QBS Navigator or you can directly select the appropriate QBS Nodes using Connected QBS Nodes field in your Schedule of Work Item line.

When Work Breakdown Structure command in Schedule of Work header is selected, you will be navigated to the page with Work Breakdown Structure Navigator.

When Cost Breakdown Structure is connected to the Project, your Schedule of Work is created. This will be allowed you to connect your CBS Nodes or Cost Elements in Cost Breakdown Structure to Schedule of Work Detail lines.

When Parent Cost Elements defined for your company. You will be allowed to connect your Parent Cost Elements to the Parent Cost Element field in Schedule of Work Detail lines. Once connected, it will be acting as a filter to Cost Elements field in respective Schedule of Work Detail line.

When required, Item Template ID in Schedule of Work items can be used as a template to create your Schedule of Work item lines. Item Template Adjustment field in Schedule of Work header can be used to specify the percentage adjustment to your Item Templates. When Schedule of Work Item line and respective Detail lines get created, Cost Values/Rates and the Sales Values/Rates will be adjusted based on the percentage you have specified in Item Template Adjustment field. When required Item Template Adjustment value specified in your Schedule of Work header can be updated as appropriate in Schedule of Work Item lines before Save command is performed. Once saved you will be not allowed to update the Item Template ID or the Item Template Adjustment values.

When required, multiple Schedule of Work item lines can be created using already created Item Template Group or Item Template. For that New Items using Template command in Schedule of Work Items can be used. Schedule of Work Item lines and respective detail lines will be created automatically based on selected Item Template Group ID or Item Template. New Items using Template command will open a dialog and in there you can choose whether to use Item Template or Item Template Group.

When required, already existing Schedule of Work Item line can be updated using Item Template. For that Update Item Using Template command can be used. By using that command, all the item values will be replaced by template values except item name and existing item detail lines will be deleted and item detail lines from template will be added.

When required, Schedule of Work Versions can be merged using Merge Version command. This command can be used to merge versions of selected Schedule of Work estimate version.


Cost/revenue elements for the project should be defined.

When a Schedule of Work Item line need to be connected to a Sup Project/Activity, they should be defined.

When Schedule of Work need to be connected to your own Quantity Breakdown Structure, it need to be defined. You can define the Quantity Breakdown Structure using command buttons available in Schedule of Work header or Quantity Breakdown Structure Estimate/Production Management pages

When required Cost Breakdown Structure should be defined.

When Parent Cost Elements need to be connected to your Schedule of Work Detail lines, it should be defined.

When a Schedule of Work Item lines need be created using Item templates, Schedule of Work Item temples should be defined.

To enable the Merge Version command, there should be more than one version of the selected Schedule of Work estimate and selected Schedule of Work estimate should be in Planned state.

System Effects

Initial Estimate will be ready.

Once a new schedule of work item is added. it can be seen from the Schedule of Work Estimate Item Overview page.